O bloqueio de escritor - Christopher Vogler

"Q – Have you ever suffered writer’s block? If so, how did/do you get past it?

A – Aggh! Terrible writer’s block. One of the great things to deal with that is Julia Cameron’s idea of “morning pages” from THE ARTIST’S WAY, bless her heart. That got me writing something every day and made it habitual and much, much easier. I also learned from Natalie Goldberg who teaches that it is truly and simply making words flow through your fingers into the pencil or into the keyboard. The other key is having somebody else setting deadlines for me since I can’t do that for myself. A deadline is a great blessing."

Christopher Vogler
entrevistado no site http://occsliceoforange.blogspot.com/2006/08/chris-vogler-legendary-writing-coach.html



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